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Escorts From Rubavu

    Escorts from Rubavu

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    Rubavu escorts, call girls and hookers

    Rubavu is at the shores of Lake Kivu. Many tourists come here to enjoy tourist attractions that are in this land and this, in turn, acts as a source of income especially in the service industry. Moreover, cross trading also acts as another source of income.

    There is a clear contrast between life in the town and that of the beach, and that is the noise. The nearer you go to Lake Kivu beach, the louder it gets and for good reason as the highlight of this district is the beach that brings you as close to the sea as you can get in this landlocked country. The activities on the beach like fitness activities on Sunday or families having a fun time together there as children run around the sand contribute to this noise.

    Rubavu Nightlife

    Rubavu has various bars and nightclubs that have drinks overflowing. The music lifts everyone off their feet in these establishments;

    • Saga-Bay bar and restaurant
    • Bikini Tam Tam at the beach
    • Chez Nyanja
    • Cotton club
    • Green place

    Dating and marriage in Rubavu

    In this district, Gender-Based Violence is an issue that is slowly but surely being eradicated. However, there is also the other issue of child marriages. Child marriage under the Rwandan law is prohibited, but the families in Rubavu marry off their children who have been defiled instead of reporting the crime, further causing more problems.

    Monogamy is the most common type of marriage but there are couples in this district who are in polygamous marriages. Conflicts in Rubavu are mostly attributed to polygamous marriages. The conflicts not only affect the married couples but the community at large and therefore polygamous marriages are not advocated for.

    Escorts in Rubavu

    Rubavu is a busy stop-over, being a waterfront district. Young women are in paid prostitution business because of various reasons like early child pregnancies which are regarded as a curse by society. Others are in it to meet new people. These are mainly online escorts. To book hot escorts in Rubavu to accompany you on your tours, visit Exotic Rwanda.

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